Winter 2017: Letter From the Executive Director
Already this winter, we have seen extreme weather conditions all across our state. Early snowstorms, ice, and heavy rains are making the start of this season one to remember. While I hope all of you have remained safe and warm through this, so many of our neighbors are not faring as well.
Economists report that Oregonians have made it to “full employment” status, however, so many of our neighbors are still locked in a financial crisis of rising rents and climbing costs of medicine and other vital necessities. A recent US Federal Reserve study showed that nearly half of all Americans are not able to cover an unplanned expense of $500 using their savings. That is probably about the same amount as an auto insurance deductible if your car recently skidded across the ice and hit something. If you, like our clients, were on the edge of financial well-being, that expense very easily could be the breaking point.
That’s why Oregon Energy Fund is here. Your donations protect vulnerable neighbors from having to make the choice of paying to repair their car so they can get to work or keeping current on the utility bills. Your support of our work helps them to stay employed and their families stay warm.
As we start into what are typically the coldest months of our year, please remember that your donation to Oregon Energy Fund ensures that vulnerable Oregonians get the energy assistance they need to stay safe and healthy through tough times.
–Brian Allbritton, Executive Director