Spring 2018: Salvador Molly’s Turns Up the Heat
Once again Salvador Molly’s turned up the heat this past February with their annual fundraiser for Oregon Energy Fund! During the month of February, Salvador Molly’s donated $1 for every order of their famously spicy habanero cheese fritters, otherwise known as their “Great Balls of Fire.” Local spice enthusiasts were invited to participate in the King/Queen of Heat Competition, which concluded with a new 2018 King of Heat, King Charles, who won his crown by eating thirty Great Balls of Fire. The fundraiser also featured a friendly competition between our utility partners – Portland General Electric’s team claimed victory by eating the largest number of fritters.
Missed out on the fun this year? While you’re waiting for next year’s competition, pay a visit to Salvador Molly’s to try out their global cuisine (and maybe a Great Ball of Fire if you’re feeling brave!).